




  1. Nagata H,Murayama K,Suzuki S,Watanabe A,Hayakawa M,Saito Y,Katada K,Toyama H. Initial clinical experience of a prototype ultra-high-resolution CT for assessment of small intracranial arteries. Jpn J Radiol. 2019 Apr;37(4):283-291.
  2. Wielpütz MO,Triphan SMF,Ohno Y,Jobst BJ,Kauczor HU. Outracing Lung Signal Decay - Potential of Ultrashort Echo Time MRI. Rofo. 2019 May;191(5):415-423.
  3. Ohno Y,Fujisawa Y,Fujii K,Sugihara N,Kishida Y,Seki S,Yoshikawa T. Effects of acquisition method and reconstruction algorithm for CT number measurement on standard-dose CT and reduced-dose CT: a QIBA phantom study. Jpn J Radiol. 2019 May;37(5):399-411.
  4. Ohno Y,Fujisawa Y,Yui M,Takenaka D,Koyama H,Sugihara N,Yoshikawa T. Solitary pulmonary nodule: Comparison of quantitative capability for differentiation and management among dynamic CE-perfusion MRI at 3 T system,dynamic CE-perfusion ADCT and FDG-PET/CT. Eur J Radiol. 2019 Jun;115:22-30.
  5. Ohba S,Yamada Y,Murayama K,Sandika E,Sasaki H,Yamada S,Abe M,Hasegawa M,Hirose Y. c-Met Expression Is a Useful Marker for Prognosis Prediction in IDH-Mutant Lower-Grade Gliomas and IDH-Wildtype Glioblastomas. World Neurosurg. 2019 Jun;126:e1042-e1049.
  6. Yamada S,Nobusawa S,Yamazaki T,Teranishi T,Watanabe S,Murayama K,Ohba S,Okabe A,Sakurai K,Urano M,Tsukamoto T,Yokoo H,Hirose Y,Abe M. An epilepsy-associated glioneuronal tumor with mixed morphology harboring FGFR1 mutation. Pathol Int. 2019 Jun;69(6):372-377.
  7. Ohba S,Murayama K,Abe M,Hasegawa M,Hirose Y. Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy for Differentiating Between Enhanced Gliomas and Malignant Lymphomas. World Neurosurg. 2019 Jul;127:e779-e787.
  8. Takenaka A,Inui Y,Kimura Y,Miyake C,Fujiyama Y,Yamada T,Hashizume N,Kato T,Ito K,Toyama H; Microliter‐ordered automatic blood sampling system for fully quantitative analysis of small‐animal PET . Ann Nucl Med. 2019 Aug; 33(8):586-593
  9. Meijs M,Pegge SAH,Murayama K,Boogaarts HD,Prokop M,Willems PWA,Manniesing R,Meijer FJA. Color-Mapping of 4D-CTA for the Detection of Cranial Arteriovenous Shunts. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 2019 Sep;40(9):1498-1504.
  10. Ohba S,Murayama K,Nishiyama Y,Adachi K,Yamada S,Abe M,Hasegawa M,Hirose Y. Clinical and Radiographic Features for Differentiating Solitary Fibrous Tumor/Hemangiopericytoma From Meningioma. World Neurosurg. 2019 Oct;130:e383-e392.
  11. Yamashiro T,Moriya H,Tsubakimoto M,Nagatani Y,Kimoto T,Murayama S; ACTIve Study Group investigators. Preoperative assessment of parietal pleural invasion/adhesion of subpleural lung cancer: advantage of software-assisted analysis of 4-dimensional dynamic-ventilation computed tomography. Eur Radiol. 2019 Oct;29(10):5247-5252.
  12. Tominaga J,Bankier AA,Lee KS,Leung AN,Remy-Jardin M,Akira M,Arakawa H,Boiselle PM,Franquet T,Fujimoto K,Gevenois PA,Goo JM,Grenier PA,Hatabu H,Ichikado K,Im JG,Johkoh T,Lee KN,Lynch DA,Noma S,Song JW,Sakai F,Sugiyama Y; Study Group of Diffuse Interstitial Lung Disease in Japan. Inter-observer agreement in identifying traction bronchiectasis on computed tomography: its improvement with the use of the additional criteria for chronic fibrosing interstitial pneumonia. Jpn J Radiol. 2019 Nov;37(11):773-780
  13. Yamazaki T,Inui Y,Ichihara T,Uno M,Ota S,Toyoda A,Ishiguro M,Kato T,Ito K,Toyama H; Clinical Utility of the Normal Database of 123I-iodoamphetamine Brain Perfusion single photon emission computed tomography for Statistical Analysis using Computed Tomography-based Attenuation Correction: A Multicenter Study. Ann Nucl Med. 2019 Nov;33(11) 835-841
  14. Ohno Y,Fujisawa Y,Sugihara N,Kishida Y,Koyama H,Seki S,Yoshikawa T. Wash-in/wash-out phase xenon-enhanced area-detector CT (ADCT): utility for regional ventilation,pulmonary functional loss and clinical stage evaluations of smokers. Acta Radiol. 2019 Dec;60(12):1619-1628.
  15. Murayama K,Suzuki S,Nagata H,Oda J,Nakahara I,Katada K,Fujii K,Toyama H. Visualization of Lenticulostriate Arteries on CT Angiography Using Ultra-High-Resolution CT Compared with Conventional-Detector CT. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 2020 Feb;41(2):219-223.
  16. Seki S,Fujisawa Y,Yui M,Kishida Y,Koyama H,Ohyu S,Sugihara N,Yoshikawa T,Ohno Y. Dynamic Contrast-enhanced Area-detector CT vs Dynamic Contrast-enhanced Perfusion MRI vs FDG-PET/CT: Comparison of Utility for Quantitative Therapeutic Outcome Prediction for NSCLC Patients Undergoing Chemoradiotherapy. Magn Reson Med Sci. 2020 Feb 10;19(1):29-39.
  17. Harada M,Motoike Y,Nomura Y,Nishimura A,Koshikawa M,Murayama K,Ohno Y,Watanabe E,Izawa H,Ozaki Y. Comparison of effectiveness and safety between uninterrupted direct oral anticoagulants with and without switching to dabigatran in atrial fibrillation ablation. J Arrhythm. 2020 Mar 18;36(3):417-424.



  1. Wielpütz MO,Triphan SMF,Ohno Y,Jobst BJ,Kauczor HU. Outracing Lung Signal Decay - Potential of Ultrashort Echo Time MRI. Rofo. 2019 May;191(5):415-423.


  1. 大野良治,関 紳一郎,吉川 武. 【COPD(慢性閉塞性肺疾患)の画像診断】MRIによるCOPDの定量解析. 臨床画像,35巻4号,Page432-440,2019.
  2. 大野良治,関 紳一郎,吉川 武. 【呼吸機能イメージングの最前線】CTおよびMRIによる換気の評価. 呼吸器内科,35巻5号,Page413-419,2019.
  3. 大野良治. 【呼吸器疾患鑑別のための画像診断-読影のキーポイント-】胸部画像の正常と異常を見極めるための画像診断機器 MRIを中心に. THE LUNG-perspectives,27巻2号,Page113-119,2019.
  4. 村山和宏,大野 良治,外山 宏. 【血管壁を意識した脳血管障害の画像診断】脳動脈瘤 破裂の危険がある脳動脈瘤の画像診断. 画像診断,39巻10号,Page1153-1162,2019.
  5. 大野良治. 【放射線治療に役立つ新たな画像診断技術】胸部腫瘍性疾患におけるMRI診断 全身拡散強調像を含めて. 臨床放射線,64巻10号,Page1221-1228,2019.
  6. 大野良治. 専門医に必要な画像診断技術(第12回) MRI 肺縦隔疾患. 胸部外科 ,72巻13号,Page1101-1109,2019.
  7. 乾 好貴,外山 宏 「レビー小体型認知症」Rad Fan Vol.17 No.12 (2019)
  8. 永田紘之,村山和宏,大野良治,外山宏. 超高精細CTを用いた中枢神経領域における細動脈の描出と臨床応用. 臨床画像,36巻8号 Page927-930,2020.



  1. Ohno Y. New 3D Oxygen-Enhanced MR Imaging at 3T MR System. The Fleischner Society Annual Meeting 2019,2019.05.04-08. Paris,France.
  2. Ohno Y. Challenges of Canon 3T MR Imaging for Chest Diseases: Its’ Progress and Future Direction. 2019.05.09-11. ESTI-Fleischner Meeting,2019.05.11-19,Paris,France.
  3. Ohno Y. Current Status and Future Directions of Pulmonary MR Imaging for COPD. The 4th Asian congress of Thoracic Imaging(ACTI 2019),2019.07.05-07,Shanghai,China.


  1. 村山和宏. 脳神経領域における次世代高分解能3T MRIの臨床応用,第78回日本医学放射線学会,2019.04.11-14,横浜.
  2. 村山和宏. CT Perfusion in patients with ischemic cerebrovascular disease: Comparison of Bayesian with singular value decomposition method. 第78回日本医学放射線学会,2019.04.11-14,横浜.
  3. 植田高弘,小林茂樹,外山宏. Diagnostic imaging of extragenital endometriosis. 第78回日本医学放射線学会総会,2019.4.11-14,横浜.
  4. 大野良治. 見落としを防ぐ胸部単純写真の読影法:正常と異常を見分けるコツ.第20回低侵襲画像診・治療研究会,2019.05.18,名古屋.
  5. 村山和宏. 次世代高分解能3T MRIによる脳腫瘍の画像診断,第37回日本脳腫瘍病理学会,2019.05.31-06.01,名古屋.
  6. 大野良治. 胸部疾患におけるAI開発と臨床応用.第96回東海核医学セミナー,2019.06.01,名古屋.
  7. 大野良治. CTおよびMRIにおける呼吸機能イメージング- General Information & Philips Healthcare’s Potentials-. 第5回呼吸機能イメージング研究会サマーセミナー,2019.07.26-27,那覇.
  8. 大野良治. MRIによる肺血流の評価. 第5回呼吸機能イメージング研究会サマーセミナー,2019.07.26-27,那覇.
  9. 大野良治. Compressed Sensing & Deep Learning Reconstruction (AiCE)の臨床現場における可能性. 第47回日本磁気共鳴医学会大会,2019.09.20-22,熊本.
  10. 大野良治. AI時代のCT: Canon Medical Systemsのチャレンジ.第14回 中部マルチスライスCTシンポジウム,2019.10.05,名古屋.
  11. 村山和宏,大野良治,藤井健二,外山宏. CT Perfusionを用いた脳虚血診断の現状,第55回日本医学放射線学会秋季臨床大会,2019.10.18-20,名古屋.
  12. 乾 好貴. ビギナーのための認知症脳血流SPECTの読影法.第59回日本核医学会学術総会. 2019.11.01-03. 松山.
  13. 村山和宏. 頭部画像診断における灌流画像の使い方. 第22回低侵襲画像診断・治療研究会セミナー,2019.12.20,豊明.
  14. 大野良治. CTおよびMRIによる肺血流評価技術の基礎と臨床応用. 第12回呼吸機能イメージング研究会学術集会,2020.01.26-27,東京.
  15. 村山和宏. 超高精細CTを用いた頭部領域の臨床活用. 第24回ニューロイメージングカンファレンス,2020.02.01,名古屋.
  16. 大野良治. 低線量CT肺がん検診における至適撮像法の確立とCADおよび人工知能の活用. 第27回日本CT検診学会学術集会,2020.02.07-08,東京.
  17. 村山和宏. 次世代高分解能MRIを用いた脳腫瘍の術前画像診断. 第39回日本画像医学会,2020.02.14,東京.
  18. 大野良治. 新型コロナウィルス(Coronavirus Infection Disease 2019: COVID-19)の画像所見. 第23回低侵襲画像診断・治療研究会/ 第14回 診断力をUPするレジデントセミナー,2020.02.28,豊明.



  1. Ohno Y,Yui M,Yoshikawa T,Seki S,Kyotani K,Murakami T. Amid Proton Transfer-Weighted Imaging vs. Diffusion-Weighted Imaging vs. FDG-PET/CT: Capability for Management of Solitary Pulmonary Nodules. ISMRM 2019,2019.05.11-16,Montreal,Canada.
  2. Ohno Y,Yaguchi A,Aoyagi K,Kishida Y,Seki S,Ueno Y,Yoshikawa T. Convolutional Neural Network for 3D CADv Systems: Utility for Differentiation of Malignant from Benign Pulmonary Nodules. CARS 2019,2019.06.17-21,Rennes,France.
  3. Ohno Y,Aoyagi K,Yui M,Takenaka D,Yoshikawa T. Which is Better for TNM Stage Assessment among Whole-Body MRI and PET/MRI at 1.5 Tesla and 3 Tesla and FDG-PET/CT in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer? World Congress of Lung Cancer 2019,2019.09.07-10,Barcelona,Spain.
  4. Ohno Y,Kishida Y,Seki S,Aoyagi K,Yui M,Takenaka D,Yoshikawa T. FDG-PET/MRI versus Whole-Body MRI versus FDG-PET/CT versus Conventional Radiological Examination: Diagnostic and Prediction Capabilities for Postoperative Recurrence in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Patients. 105th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of Radiological Society of North America (RSNA 2019),2019.12.01-06,Chicago,USA.
  5. Ohno Y,Yui M,Kishida Y,Seki S,Takenaka D,Yoshikawa T. Pulmonary Thin-Section MR Imaging with Ultra-Short Echo Time (UTE) vs. Low-Dose CT vs. Standard-Dose CT: Capability for Nodule Detection and Lung-RADS Classification. 105th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of Radiological Society of North America (RSNA 2019),2019.12.01-06,Chicago,USA.


  1. 松清亮,大野良治,花岡良太,村山和宏,白木良一,外山宏. 腎癌術前CT血管評価における検出器サイズおよび再構成法の影響に関する検討. 第166回日本医学放射線学会中部地方会,2019.07.13-14,金沢.
  2. 花松智武,村山和宏,西山悠也,小濱佑樹,植田高弘,池田裕隆,山田勢至,安倍雅人,大野良治,外山 宏. T2-FLAIR mismatch signが鑑別に有用であったanaplastic astrocytomaの1例. 第84回東海総合画像医学研究会,2018.08.04,名古屋.
  3. Hanamatsu S,Murayama K,Fukuba T,Iwase A,Sano Y,Yamamoto K,Ninomiya A,Ikedo M,Ohno Y,Toyama H. Evaluation the influence of Deep Learning Reconstruction (DLR) to IVIM assessment on brain MRI. 第47回日本磁気共鳴医学会大会 (JSMRM 2019),2019.09.20-22,熊本.
  4. Murayama K,Muto J,Fukuba T,Iwase A,Hanamatsu S,Sano Y,Yamamoto K,Ninomiya A,Ikedo M,Ohyu S,Ohno Y,Toyama H. Differentiation of Obstructive and Non-obstructive Hydrocephalus with CSF flow dynamics using Time-SLIP technique. 第47回日本磁気共鳴医学会大会 (JSMRM 2019),2019.09.20-22,熊本.
  5. Ohno Y,Yui M,Yoshikawa T. FDG-PET/MRI vs. Whole-Body MRI vs. FDG-PET/CT: Diagnostic and Prediction Capabilities for Postoperative Recurrence in NSCLC Patients. 第47回日本磁気共鳴医学会大会 (JSMRM 2019),2019.09.20-22,熊本.
  6. Ohno Y,Yui M,Yoshikawa T. MR Imaging with Ultra-Short Echo Time (UTE) vs. Low-Dose CT vs. Standard-Dose CT: Capability for Nodule Detection and Lung-RADS Classification. 第47回日本磁気共鳴医学会大会 (JSMRM 2019),2019.09.20-22,熊本.
  7. Ohno Y,Yui M,Yoshikawa T. 3D Oxygen-Enhanced MRI: Quantitative Capability for Smoking-Related Pulmonary Functional Loss Assessment and Clinical Stage Classification. 第47回日本磁気共鳴医学会大会 (JSMRM 2019),2019.09.20-22,熊本.
  8. Ohno Y,Yui M,Kassai Y,Yoshikawa T. Computed DWI: Comparison of Quantitative Capability for Differentiating Metastatic from Non-Metastatic Lymph Nodes with Actual DWI and FDG-PET/CT in NSCLC Patients. 第47回日本磁気共鳴医学会大会 (JSMRM 2019),2019.09.20-22,熊本.
  9. Ohno Y,Yui M,Kassai Y,Yoshikawa T. Which is the Best Method for Postoperative Clinical Outcome Prediction in NSCLC Patients among FDG-PET/CT,DWIs using FASE or EPI? 第47回日本磁気共鳴医学会大会 (JSMRM 2019),2019.09.20-22,熊本.
  10. Ohno Y,Yui M,Yoshikawa T. CEST Imaging vs. FDG-PET/CT: Capability for Therapeutic Effect Prediction of Chemoradiotherapy in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer. 第47回日本磁気共鳴医学会大会 (JSMRM 2019),2019.09.20-22,熊本.
  11. 大野良治,青柳康太,油井正生,吉川 武,太田誠一郎,乾 好貴,菊川 薫,村山和宏,外山 宏. PET/MRI: 非小細胞肺癌における再発診断能検討. 第59回日本核医学会学術総会. 2019.11.01-03. 松山.
  12. 田中優美,石黒雅伸,乾 好貴,太田誠一朗,市原 隆,外山宏.ドパミントランスポータSPECTとMRIによる線条体定量評価の試み.第59回日本核医学会学術総会. 2019.11.01-03. 松山.
  13. 大野良治,青柳康太,谷口敦司,竹中大祐,吉川 武. 人工知能を用いた3D Computer-Aided Volumetry (CADv) の肺結節経過観察CTにおける有用性に関する検討. 第27回日本CT検診学会学術集会,2020.02.07-08,東京.
  14. 花松智武,村山和宏,福場 崇,岩瀬秋吉,佐野雄一郎,山本香織,二宮綾子,池戸雅人,大野良治,外山 宏.  Deep Learning Reconstruction の頭部 IVIM へ及ぼす影響に関する検討. 第167回日本医学放射線学会中部地方会,2020.02.15-16,名古屋.



  1. Ohno Y,Yui M,Seki S,Yoshikawa T,Kyotani K,Murakami T. Comparison of Capabilities for Pulmonary Functional Loss Evaluation and Clinical Stage Classification between 3D Oxygen-Enhanced MRI at 3T System and Thin-Section CT in Smokers. ISMRM 2019,2019.05.11-16,Montreal,Canada.
  2. Ohno Y,Yoshikawa T,Yui M,Aoyagi K,Kassai Y,Seki S,Kyotani K,Murakami T. Whole-Body MRI and PET/MRI at 1.5T and 3T MR System: Comparison of TNM Stage Assessment Capability with PET/CT in Non-Small Cell Carcinoma (NSCLC). ISMRM 2019,2019.05.11-16,Montreal,Canada.
  3. Ohno Y,Yui M,Kassai Y,Yoshikawa T,Seki S,Kyotani K,Murakami T. Comparison of the Capability for Distinguishing Malignant from Benign Pulmonary Nodules among DWI with FASE Sequence at a 3T System,DWIs with EPI Sequence at 1.5T and 3T Systems and FDG-PET/CT. ISMRM 2019,2019.05.11-16,Montreal,Canada.
  4. Ohno Y,Yui M,Ohyu S,Fujisawa Y,Seki S,Yoshikawa T,Kyotani K,Murakami T. Comparison of Therapeutic Effect Prediction among Dynamic Perfusion Area-Detector CT,Dynamic Perfusion MR Imaging and FDG-PET/CT in Small Cell Lung Cancer Patients with Limited Disease. ISMRM 2019,2019.05.11-16,Montreal,Canada.
  5. Ohno Y,Yui M,Kishida Y,Seki S,Yoshikawa T. Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer (CEST) Imaging versus FDG-PET/CT: Capability for Therapeutic Effect Prediction of Chemoradiotherapy in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer. 105th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of Radiological Society of North America (RSNA 2019),2019.12.01-06,Chicago,USA.
  6. Ohno Y,Seki S,Koyama H,Takenaka D,Yoshikawa T. Can Thoracic MR Imaging Improve Diagnostic Accuracies of Transthoracic Needle Aspiration and Core Biopsies and Decrease Complications in Patients with Mediastinal Tumor? 105th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of Radiological Society of North America (RSNA 2019),2019.12.01-06,Chicago,USA
  7. Fujita S,Hagiwara A,Kishimoto R,Suga M,Ohno Y,Aoki S,Tateishi U. Japan-QIBA: Overview and Current Status. 105th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of Radiological Society of North America (RSNA 2019),2019.12.01-06,Chicago,USA.
  8. Murayama K,Smit E,Prokop M,Nagata H,Hanamatsu S,Ikeda Y,Fujii K,Katada K,Ohno Y,Toyama H. Measurement of Cerebral Blood Flow by Area-Detector CT Perfusion is Improved by Bayesian Estimation with Advanced Noise Reduction relative to Standard Singular Value Decomposition. 105th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of Radiological Society of North America (RSNA 2019),2019.12.01-06,Chicago,USA.


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